Associate Professor Fernando Garcia

Associated Professor and Head of the Lab
Position: Associate Professor
Email: fegarcia[at]
Telephone: +34 916248325
Address: Calle Butarque 15, 28911 Leganés, Madrid
Office: 1.3.B04
Brief Bio
During his researching career he has published numerous articles in congresses and international journals mainly in the fields of Intelligent Transport Systems, perception, positioning, human factors, tracking and data fusion.
Fernando has performed visiting stays as a researcher at VisLab laboratory form Parma (Italy), State University of New York at Buffalo (USA) and Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, Quito (Ecuador). He gives lessons both theoretical and practical in several in bachelors and Master degrees, related with control engineering, programming and perception. He is the coordinator of the topic Industrial Information II since 2013 Deputy director of Escuela Politécnica de Leganés, of relationships with companies and MakerSpace.
He has given seminars and lectures in national and international entities such as New York State University at Buffalo, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Parma University at Italy.
Fernando was vice-dean of Relations with companies of the Polytechnic School of Leganes (UC3M) until November 2020 and currently he is vice-president of the Spanish Chapter of IEEE-ITSS and member of the Board of Governors of the ITSS-IEEE Society for 2017-2020. He is also member of the Scientific Committee of important congresses and workshops such as Fusion, International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Intelligent Vehicles, and he is reviewer of relevant scientific journals: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Information Fusion, Expert Systems with Applications and Sensors, among other. He is editor of Mathematical Problems in Engineering.
He served as General Chair of IEEE Conference ICVES 2018 (and Co-General chair of ICVES 2019), and Program Chair of IV2020 ( and previously Co-Program Chair of IV2019).
- Co-author of Best student paper in congress Vehits 2015 and Best Presentation Award finalist in ITSC 2020
- Award to the innovation in the automotive sector, diagnosis “Galeria de innovación Motortec 2015”
- VII Barreiros Foundation award to the best research in the automotive field in the year 2014
- 3rd award to the best PhD dissertation, by the Spanish chapter ITSS. Period 2013-15.
- Scholarship in Master of Robotics and Automatics in 2008.
Selected Publications
Latest Journal Publications
- “A Review of Sensor Technologies for Perception in Automated Driving”. E. Martí, M.A. de Miguel, F. Garcia and J. Perez. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. Accepted, to be published.
- “Hybrid optimization-based approach for multiple intelligent vehicles requests allocation”. A Hussein, F. Garcia , P.M. Plaza and J.M Armingol. Journal of Advanced Transportation , Hidawi. Vol 2018, March 2018, doi: .
- “Survey of Computer Vision Algorithms and Applications for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”. A. Al-Kaff, D. Martín, F. García, A. de la Escalera, J.M Armingol . Expert Systems with Applications . Vol 92, pp 447-463, 2018 Elsevier doi: .
- “PHD filter for vehicle tracking based on a monocular camera”. F. García, A. Prioletti, P. Cerri, A. Broggi. Expert Systems with Applications . Vol 91, pp 472-479, 2018 Elsevier doi: .
- “Detection for ADAS through Camera and V2V Communication, a Comparative Analysis of two Modern Technologies”. J.J. Anaya, A. Ponz, F. García, E. Talavera. Expert Systems with Applications . Vol 77, pp 148-159, 2017 Elsevier doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2017.01.032.
- “Obstacle Detection and Avoidance System Based on Monocular Camera and Size Expansion Algorithm for UAVs”.A. Al-Kaff, F. García, D. Martín, A. De La Escalera, J.M. Armingol. Sensors MDPI, Vol 17, May 2017, doi:10.3390/s17051061.
- “Sensor Fusion Methodology for Vehicle Detection”. F. García, D. Martín, A. de la Escalera, J. M. Armingol. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, Jan 2017, Vol 9, 1, doi: 10.1109/MITS.2016.2620398.
- “Stereo visual odometry in urban environments based on detecting ground features ” A. de la Escalera, E. Izquierdo, D. Martín, B. Musleh, F. García, J. M. Armingol, In Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2016, Vol. 80, 1-10. ScienceDirect.
- “Data Fusion for Driver Behaviour Analysis”. J. Carmona, F. García, D. Martín, A. de la Escalera, J. M. Armingol. Sensors. Vol.15 pp. 25968-25991. 2015. ISSN: 1424-8220 – DOI: 10.3390/s151025968.
- “Intelligent Surveillance of Indoor Environments Based on Computer Vision and 3D Point Cloud Fusion”. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 42 (21), pp 218–229. M. J. Gómez , F. García, D. Martín , A. de la Escalera , J. M. Armingol.
Selected Publications
- Project Firefighter Drone from
- Telefónica
- Marca Motor
- El confidencial
Electronics and Automatics Engineering
- Informática Industrial II (Coordinator)
- Perception Systems
- Automatics Applications in Vehicles
- Control Engineering II (English)
Master in Robotics and Automation
- Computer Vision
- Intelligent Transport Systems (Coordinator)